THE MINCE pies and stollen bites are in the shops, the fireworks have stopped, and Halloween seems like a dim distant memory. So it’s time for MotoGP and WSB winter testing! Now, as we all know, the black no-sponsor-graphics bikes are nothing short of filth, flaunting their exotic carbon-ness like SCARY WHORES in an Amsterdam window.
And the racers all get in the mood too, with totally-redesigned leathers, boots and gloves. Lorenzo’s black leathers are a particular treat this year.

But it’s the helmets we’re taking a gander at here. Of course, Valentino Rossi was in there decades ago, with loads of different designs for every event. He actually has two different lids for when he goes to the bog – one for wee, one for poo, we hear.
But Shark has just launched a new set of gorgeous Winter Test edition racer replicas. The French firm has made a series of its carbon fibre Race-R Pro GP helmets, in Jorge Lorenzo, Scott Redding and Johann Zarco winter colours.

The GP spec lid weighs just 1,400g, and boasts a load of hot features – anodised alloy visor fixings, a *titanium* double-D-ring on the strap, and the radical rear spoiler design. You get all the official sponsors’ stickers in the box, so you can make it EXACTLY LIKE JORGE’S!!

There’s a price to pay of course – £869.99 is a salty tag. But they really do look fantastic in the flesh. Check them at the NEC show this week if you’re there, or at your local Shark dealer…