Missed out on winning some gear in part one? Well get the kids working on part two now…

In case you missed it, KTM UK have said that while we’re on lockdown in the UK, they’re going to be setting some #KTMHomework each week, with prizes up for grabs, to keep your kids busy.
So how do you enter? Well once you’ve done the week’s task, they want everyone to upload their work to their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages, with the very best effort resulting in your little ones bagging some KTM PowerWear. All you have to do is keep an eye out on here, or on KTM UK’s social media channels to find out the latest assignment.
WEEK TWO: All they want, is to see a drawing or colouring of every flag that the MXGP championship was going to race at during 2020 – before Coronavirus got involved! You’ve got until the 6th April to enter, and the winner will get a kids KTM T-shirt. Nice. Just make you send it in via their Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages, tagging #KTMHomework and the rider…