As always, our September edition of Fast Bikes magazine is packed with product guides, columns, and fantastic features.

If you’d like to read Fast Bikes, then you can order yourself a print copy, save the trees and download the digital version, or better yet bag a saving and subscribe! Here’s what to expect this month…
Ducati DRE
A star-studded line-up of GP riders made it to Silverstone to meet Bruce at Ducati’s inaugural DRE Racetrack Academy.
Sportsbike vs. supernaked
To wear clothes or not? We pitch Ducati’s Panigale V4S against its naked sibling Streetfighter V4S to find out.
Baby Blades
Checking out Honda’s entry-level CBRs – the 650R and 500R.
What the tech: Airboxes
You might not have thought that much about your bike’s airbox before, but you probably will after reading this.
Take a look at the taster below for more of what to expect: